I’ve Got Questions!

15 Oct

I have a couple of blogish type questions. If someone could answer them I would really appreciate it.

1. I started blogging on here on WordPress, I noticed that a lot of you all in blogland use Blogger. I was wondering if Blogger is better/easier?

2. Does following you all via Bloglovin count as following? Or do I need to follow you a different way?

3. I have found a HUMUNGOID amount of AWESOME blogs and I’m all into them because you’re all sooooo creative and fun. Is it ok to go through someone’s past blogs to read up on them BEFORE you comment or is that stalkerish? Or is it expected that you do so?

4. How do I make it so you have a word that links to someones site? Like if I were reading LaDama , Vix, Scarlett, etc how would I put just their name so you could click it and it links you to their site?

That’s it for now but TRUST me, I’ll find more!

AHAHAH after PUBLISHING this I thought of one more!

5. When someone comments and you respond, do they get an email that I responded to them or some sort of notification?

8 Responses to “I’ve Got Questions!”

  1. Dora October 17, 2011 at 12:01 pm #

    I have no idea about how to work wordpress or bloglovin, you should come over to blogland.
    You do get an email at blogger when someone comments and you can respond back. but I dont get any from you since your on wordpress. its up to you amor.

    • pinktutu72 October 17, 2011 at 11:37 pm #

      I’m seriously thinking about switching because WordPress is kinda complicated

      • Susan October 18, 2011 at 8:09 pm #

        yes as Dora said, i do get a notification via email when someone commented on my blog at blogspot/blogger and i can even set it up so i can reply their comment via email too providing the person who left the comment gave their email address when commented on my post blog. I find it easier to blog at blogland, not sure on wordpress though. as for following from bloglovin, well it counts but as blogger has its own application, i guess it’s easier that way when you’re already in blogger and it goes through the dashboard when you logged in so you will see people whom you followed and their latest blog post all in one place. as for the links to someone site, i dont know if wordpress has the application if not you can do yourself providing you know the html code and their URLs/Links and again blogger has its application/widget for that so you can put it on the side menu of your blog so you can easily find your fave websites. hope that helps 🙂 i must say i’m a stalker myself hahaha…but so far people i stalk or left comment regularly each time their new blog post comes up or just updated their blog wont mind, they’re my source of inspirations and i love getting ideas from them 🙂


  2. Krista Gassib October 19, 2011 at 10:15 pm #

    I think wordpress gives you more freedom but I do think it is complicated. A lot of the pro bloggers use wordpress but it just is a bit over my head. I love Blogspot because it’s just easy! I am still learning new things and that is also fun.

  3. Nelly October 22, 2011 at 10:56 pm #

    1/ I prefer Blogger I have tried WordPress way too much for my poor brain to take on.

    2/ I think following at bloglovin is still following

    3/ Yes stalk and comment away.When I find a new blog of interetst I sometimes will comment days/weeks/ months after its been written.AS I am here lol

    4/ At most places there will be a thing somewhere near top of page that looks like a chain link.What you do is highlight the persons name copy the page you want to share that belongs to them click that chain link and place your URL you have copied into it then hit OK. Make sense? If not give me a yell.

    5/ At blogger when someone comments you get an email but if you reply back at the comment section they will never know (so annoying) so you are better of replying via email on their blog.

    Now if you decide to use blogger and need help just yell I have learnt a few things but am not a pro like many.
    I am also on skype aussiej64 if you have skype and add me just let me know how we met.Otherwise I ignore it (arent I rude? )lol its coz I have had too many unknowns jumping in now I am more careful

    Nelly xx

  4. Vintage Coconut October 23, 2011 at 6:51 am #

    I don’t have a clue about wordpress, but as of right now I really enjoy blogger.
    Its really easy to use and also very easy to decorate how you like.

    Sometimes I go WAY back into new peoples blogs I find, because they are just that interesting. I just don’t usually leave comments all the way through or something. =D *hehe*

    I think Nelly and the others did a fab job with answering all your questions so I will just say the same as Dora.. COME to blogland. 😉 hehehe *Only if you want too*.

  5. Christine October 25, 2011 at 5:46 am #

    If I find a blog that I am interested in I always look back at older posts. Not stalkerish at all, its flattering 🙂
    Thanks for your comment on my post. And thanks for the reminder, I have added the store links.
    I think that Blogger is more user friendly than WordPress. I was on Blogger for a while and I have switched over to self-hosted WordPress. Its like learning a new neighborhood with a few more turns to get somewhere…..Unless you plan to pay for your site (like I am), Blogger is a better choice, I think.

    • pinktutu72 October 25, 2011 at 3:04 pm #

      Oh thanks for the replies! I’m so glad you put the link to your store on your blog I’m going to visit it right now!

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